
Having Your S*** Together

Having Your S*** Together

In July 2015, I was maybe slightly freaking out about turning 25 - oh, fine, I was a mess. In all honesty I think my quarter life crisis started a couple of years before this point, but something about being twenty-five made it seem very official. My mum asked why I was so freaked out about the whole thing, and I replied “I just thought that when I turned 25, I’d have my shit together."

My Only New Year's Resolution

My Only New Year's Resolution

I think we all like to beat ourselves up in January and think about everything we're doing wrong with our lives. Every year I tell myself that things will be different, that I will finally loose weight (that's a popular one) and have one of those social life things that I've heard other people talking about, they sure sound like fun. This year, I've only set myself one resolution, and it's possibly the cheesiest thing I've ever said in my life so you're going to have to bear with me here. 

Björk at Castlefield Bowl

Björk at Castlefield Bowl

Seeing as I put together a GRWM video when I went to see Björk recently, I thought I should publish a few of the photographs I took while I was there. I've talked in previous videos about my struggle to get back into photography after my Master's, but I'm making a lot more effort to document my life again these days - and more importantly, I'm making more effort to live a life worth documenting.